Return , Refund & Cancellation Policy

At Artsville.in, we believe in 100% costumer satisfaction. That’s why we have 24 hours return/replacement policy & 6 hours cancellation policy you can refer these policies below. Although we have provided detailed description, specifications and information with illustrative images for each and every product of Artsville.in, we strongly recommend every customer that they should refer all description, specification and information of the product which they are desired to buy from Artsville.in to make the whole shopping experience hassle free.

Return/Refund Policy

You can apply for return/replacement within 24 hours from the time of you receive the product. Email us your application before 24 hours with the subject of “Return/Replacement Art“and “Order number” at contact@artsville.in with appropriate strong reason that why do you want to return? We will decide whether you are eligible for return/replacement/refund or not, then will get in touch with you and provide further instructions. If you received the Artsville.in product in damaged condition then you have to attach the photograph with mail.  Eligible return/replacement product should be shipped to the address provided into the email. Refund will be done through the same form that the payment is received in.

Cancellation Policy

If you have to cancel the order you can do it within 6 hours placing the order. We do not accept cancellation after 6 hours or once the order has been taken into the process.

Feel free to contact us if you have any queries & questions.

Email  : contact@artsville.in

Phone : +91 8160977 (Mon-Sat : 10am-6pm)